Forty years ago, Professor Graeme Clark realised his dream to bring the first multi-channel cochlear implant to people around the world. A journey that was sparked by seeing his father’s experience with hearing loss.

What started as one man’s desire to help people hear, has now helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world. But this dream couldn’t have been realised without a community of like-minded individuals.

Hearing health professionals do amazing work every day. These heroes know that helping someone with hearing loss is much more than treating their hearing loss. The hearing care profession can be a challenging field, but it’s one that’s full of reward.

In this video, we asked hearing health professionals what inspires them…

For Eva Keil-Becker, a hearing health professional from Germany, the key aspect is helping people make informed choices.

“We can be the interface to ensure that the great technology actually reaches the end customer. And that’s where I see myself in a very crucial role.

To use an analogy, in former times, people would not have desired cars but would have desired faster horses. No one would have got the idea to desire a car.

When the cochlear implant is switched on for the first time, then the eyes of the user light up, that is very very special. And then also my eyes are shining.”

Professor Helen Cullington, a Professorial Fellow and Principal Clinical Scientist in the UK, champions the opportunity for continuous personal and professional growth.

“Thinking about the hearing health industry going forward, I think we’re entering a period of massive change.

The integration of advanced electronics with the human body. That’s utterly enchanting.

I think for me, the most important thing, throughout my career has been to keep asking questions. Never accept the status quo.

And I cry still, when I do a cochlear implant switch on, even after nearly 30 years.”

Thank you to all the hearing health professionals around the world who have been inspiring us for 40 years!

© Cochlear Limited 2021.

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